Marcin  Kowalczyk


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About Me


My name is Marcin Kowalczyk and I’m a UI · UX designer.

In my projects, I always want to go out of the box and get off the beaten paths of mediocrity.

I'm looking for the new possibilities and challenges in design. It doesn't matter what kind of project it is. Websites, software interfaces or application screens. Every case is different and creates a space for our imagination.

Each project is independent and one of its kind. We can dress the concepts of digital aesthetics in sophisticated forms of unified style patterns like “flat design” or set up flagship canons under the charming name of “material design”, but every project should be unique and giving best experiences for users. That’s why I love to use animation in my projects. I can breath life into the static form and give them more expressive and individuality look.

That is how I think and work. Enigmatic?

Maybe a little :)

I think my designs speak more than words. So, check out my works and I hope you enjoy it.



Freak market

/ webpage redesign

# contest winner (main page only) + full website redesign contract

# year: 2017

Keynote :

"After drinking from so many sources of interesting people and artists who want to do different, we are coming to the freak identity we want today. A little more solidified, the name Freak Market currently represents the best in Brazil in terms of Fashion Underground, presenting clothes and accessories whose originalities appears in their productions and militate by themselves when they are used. Today we are specialists and we only work with fashion through an exclusive curatorial of the Freak Market. We are at the forefront. We are a cool market place that does not follow trends. We are the ones who will create them!" - Freakmarket

Main page

The home page was a part of the contest, so client gives all contestants more space to express themselves. They do not restrict the possibilities too much because they want to receive materials that compact with the freak philosophy and do not just stay within the conventional. Of course, some sections were imposed by the client and some by the rules of e-commerce type of existence. So the main challenge was to find some kind of “Freak” spirit and transformed into a visual form of the website.

Classic carousel on the e-commerce sites, but showed in a little unusual way. We seeing three of five different brands promoted on this page. The main one is highlighted by an increased size.

The main menu was not divided for only two main genders, but for three. The first time I read about this, my first thought was to use one picture for all three types. So, I did it.

A standard form of showing products on e-commerce websites. I must create a clear, minimal style card for best user experience, but something matched to the “Freak” style.

By the way, it was pretty challenging to use some standard business forms of the e-commerce website, without destroying unconventional ambitions of the Freak Market.

For a cloth business, targeted on young people, Freak market should have a strong social background, highlighted from the beginning. These part looks like is not in this book, but this makes it more interesting and fits perfectly into the convention of the whole site.

Category page

This is the standard. Search filtering is a feature designed to make sorting out items easy and simple.

The client wants to put these section on the left side of product cards with a similar look to filtering box on the google shopping page.

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Product page

Kept in a raw and monochrome style, without any distracting colorful details

Every product on the Freakmarket website is unique and I wanted it to be eye-catching. Although kept in a fairly urban style, but it is still minimalist and luxurious.

Freakmarket presents information about the product in a very detailed way. In order to minimize the confusing amount of information, I have set the default visibility of some info to partially invisible. By one click, the user can show or hide the rest of the details about a product.

Revista Magazine

This page includes a cover content from the underground world with stories that run away from the conventional.

Thanks to the freedom and trust of the Freakmarket team, I was able to create quite unconventional section layouts. The asymmetric arrangement of boxes and a few small aesthetic elements accurately reflect the philosophy and theme of the site. At the same time, it remains very transparent to the user.

Regardless of my designer's ambitions, one can not forget about the business aspect of the site. A small advertising section that fits the aesthetics of the website does not disturb with the reception of the page as a whole

About Us page

It is important to explain who is the Freak Market brand and its differentials among any other marketplace.

Freak Market is the new, the unusual, the different, the exclusive. So this page must reflect these attitudes like no other.

The vertical line in the middle like kind of Keynote was to create a unique timeline with a few articles containing the essence of Freak philosophy.

It must have been here ;)

Departament page

This is a quite interesting idea. Each department is dedicated to specified gender. Any of these has the same sections, but with his own content and style. We can suit details, colouristic or proper text to the specific taste and needs of those groups.

In this section, you have the option of buying products in two ways. Purchase one product by selecting it from the cards on the right side of the photo. And also the whole look by clicking the button on the image, so that all products automatically add to the shopping basket.

At this point, the products will refer to specific regional, cultural or ethnic styles. It can be very inspiring and strongly fits into the very philosophy of Freakmarket.

Section with promoted brands only for specific gender (women in this case).

Fully responsive design